Trust Service

The trust serves food to the poor and devotees on all days at 12.30pm, 6.30pm and at nights on Thursdays and Sundays. Thousands of devotees throng the shrine on all Thursday from dawn till dusk. The trust also serves midday meals to all the students of its Sri Baba Vidyalayam middle School on Thursdays and Fridays.
Sri Baba Vidyalayam Middle School
Sri Naga Sai trust gave priority to the education of poor children in and around the holy shrine and started a school on the 18th of august 1947. Today it is catering to the educational needs of 1009 poor students of whom 526 are boys and 483 are girls. The strength of the teaching staff is 26. The president of the school is Mr. S.Balasubrmanian.
Sai Deep Kalyana Mandapam
A full fledged Kalyana Mandapam cum Community Hall was constructed and opened in 1982.
Free Homeopathy dispensary
Its was build and donated to the trust by the Late President Sri.B.Kanniah Prasad in 1993 to mark the Golden Jubilee Year. Free medical homeopathy treatment is given to all people.
Looking back of the well planned growth of the Sri Naga Sai Trust, like a Banyan Tree, now stands as a main pilgrimage centre in the Industrial City of Coimbatore. It attracts the vast majority of the people from all over the world irrespective of caste, creed and religion.
Shirdi Sai Baba came into this world to show us a way of perfect life and the attainment of bliss by leading a selfless, devoted life with service to all fellow beings as a Motto. It is in this stinct of humanity and devotion, the Naga Sai Trust moves on to its PLATINUM JUBILEE.
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